Marchog Iesu yn llwyddiannus

1,2,3;  1,2,((3),4);  1,(3),4.
Marchog, Iesu! yn llwyddiannus,
  Gwisg dy gleddau 'ngwasg dy glun;
Ni all daear dy wrth'nebu,
  Chwaith nac uffern fawr ei hun:
Mae dy enw mor ardderchog,
  Pob rhyw elyn gilia draw;
Mae dy arswyd drwy'r greadigaeth;
  Tyrd am hynny maes o law.

Tyn fy enaid o'i gaethiwed,
  Gwawried bellach fore ddydd,
Rhwyga'n chwilfriw ddorau Babel,
  Tyn y barrau heyrn yn rhydd;
Gwthied caethion yn finteioedd,
  Allan, megis tonnau llif,
Torf a thorf, dan orfoleddu,
  Heb na diwedd fyth na rhif.

Mi debygaf clywaf heddiw
  Sŵn caniadau draw o bell,
Torf yn moli am waredigaeth,
  Ac am ryddid llawr gwell;
Gynau gwynionyw eu gwisgoedd,
  Palmwydd hyfryd yn eu llaw,
A hwy ānt
    gyd ā gogoniant
  'Mewn i'r bywyd maes o law.

Minnau bellach orfoleddaf
  Fod y Jiwbil fawr yn dod,
Y cyflawnir pob rhyw sillaf
  A lefarodd Iesu erioed;
De a gogledd yn fyrddiynau
  Ddaw o eithaf
      tywyll fyd,
Gyda dawns ac utgyrn arian,
  'Mewn i Salem bur ynghyd.

             - - - - -

Marchog, Iesu yn llwyddianus,
  Gwisg dy gleddyf ar dy glun;
Nis gall daear dy wrthsefyll,
  'Chwaith nac uffern fawr ei hun:
Mae dy Enw mor ardderchog,
  Pob rhyw elyn gilia draw,
Mae rhyw arswyd
    trwy'r greadigaeth;
  Pan y byddost Ti gerllaw.

Llama, Arglwydd, dros y bryniau,
  Doed y dyddiau gwiw i ben
Pan bo Seion, trwy fawr lwyddiant
  Yn ben-moliant īs y nen:
Enw'r IESU gaffo'i barchu,
  A'i ddyrchafu trwy bob gwlad;
Miloedd ddelo i gofleidio'r
  Iachawdwriaeth trwy ei waed.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [8787D]:
Buddugoliaeth (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
  Christus Redemptor (Mansel Thomas 1909-86)
Dismissal / Mount of Olives (Viner / Beethoven)
Edinburgh (alaw Gymreig)
Gwilym (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)
Hyfryd Lais (J Owen Jones 1876-1962)
Hyfrydol (R H Pritchard 1811-87)
Look Ye Saints (George C Stebbins 1846-1945)
Moriah (alaw Gymreig)
  Reged (alaw Gymreig o'r 'Welsh harper')
Rousseau (Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1712-78)
Towyn (David de Lloyd 1883-1948)

  Capten mawr ein hiachawdwriaeth
  Clywch yr udgorn fel mae'n seinio
  Iesu llawnder mawr y nefoedd
  Llama Arglwydd dros y bryniau
  Mewn anialwch 'rwyf yn trigo
  Mi debygaf clywaf heddiw
  O llefara addfwyn Iesu
  Tyred Arglwydd tyr'd yn fuan (Dyro'n helaeth ...)

Ride, Jesus, successfully!
Wear thy sword in the waist of thy thigh;
Earth cannot face up to thee,
Nor yet can great hell itself:
Thy name is so superior,
Every kind of enemy retreats far away;
Dread of thee is throughout creation;
Coming to it imminently.

Draw my soul from its captivity,
  Let the morn of the day dawn soon,
Smash to pieces the doors of Babel,
  Release the iron bars;
May captives be pushed in droves,
  Out, like waves of a flood,
Multitude upon multitude, rejoicing,
  Without either an end ever or number.

Most likely I will hear today
  A sound of songs from afar,
A multitude praising for deliverance,
  And for freedom much better;
White robes are their garments,
  Lovely palm-branches in their hand,
And they will go
    together with glory,
  Into life soon.

I too henceforth will be jubilant
  That the great Jubilee is coming,
That fulfilled is each and every syllable
  Which Jesus ever spoke;
South and north in myriads
  Come from the extreme
      darkness of the world,
With dance and silver trumpets,
  Into pure Salem together.

                   - - - - -

Ride, Jesus, prosperously,
  Wear thy sword on thy thigh;
The earth cannot withstand thee,
  Neither great hell itself:
Thy Name is so excellent,
  Every kind of enemy retreats yonder,
There is some horror
    throughout the creation;
  When Thou art at hand.

Leap, Lord, across the hills,
  Let the worthy days come to fulfilment
When Zion be, through great prosperity
  Chief praise under the sky:
The name of JESUS shall get revered,
  And exalted throughout every land;
Thousands shall come to embrace the
  Salvation through his blood.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion
(Onward March)
Ride triumphant, blessed Jesus, 
  Gird thy sword upon thy thigh;
Neither earth can e'er withstand Thee,
  Nor the hosts of hell defy;
Glorious is Thy name, almighty,
  Ev'ry foe withdraws in fear;
And the whole creation trembles
  When it feels that Thou art near.

E'en today I hear the echoes
  Of a glad though distant song;
For salvation full and glorious
  Ransomed hosts their strains prolong:
Clad they are in shining garments,
  Palms of victory in their hand;
Christ their song,
    and heaven their portion,
  Praises fill the Better Land.

Now at length my soul rejoices
 That the Jubilee is near,
When each promise is accomplished
  Which He gave our hearts to cheer
Then the hosts of countless myriads
  From the darkest
      regions come.
With the strains of silver trumpets,
  Into Salem's peaceful homes.

              - - - - -

Ride triumphant, blessed Jesus, 
  Gird thy sword upon thy thigh;
Neither earth can e'er withstand Thee,
  Nor the hosts of hell defy;
Glorious is Thy name, almighty,
  Ev'ry foe withdraws in fear;
And the whole
    creation trembles
  When it feels that Thou art near.

tr. Rev. W Edwards
Llawlyfr Moliant yr Ysgol Sabbothol 1897

Tune: unkn. (<1897 J H Roberts) [dddd|tttt]

Also: Ride on Jesus all-victorious
tr. Gwilym Owen Williams 1913-90
Ride in triumph holy Saviour
tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune: Hyfrydol (R H Pritchard 1811-87)

Also: Onward march all-conquering Jesus
tr. W Howells
Cān a Mawl / Song and Praise 1918

Tune: Moriah (alaw Gymreig)

Also: Ride to battle ride victorious
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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